バンコクNO1 高レート両替店 & 日本のお酒販売店

 HOME thaniyaspirit.web.fc2.com 




また、店内にはほかの店にはなかなか置いていない日本の銘酒も各種取り寄せており、おかげさまで皆様からのご利用も頻繁でございます。日本酒、焼酎、ワイン、ウイスキー、ブランデー 店内にはさまざまな銘柄のお酒が陳列してございます。是非ご利用のほど、よろしくお願いいたします!

Please first stop by our shop, and use exchange for the baht when you come to Bangkok. The exchange rate in our shop is being done business from the bank all the year round by no holiday in a profitable exchange rate.

<It is exchange of 10,000 yen and about 100 to 200 profitable yen >

Moreover, the sake of a well-known brand of Japan that doesn't put it easily is variously obtained for other shops, and, thanks to you, the use of everybody is frequent in the store. The sake of various brands exhibits sake, the shochu, wining, the whisky, and brandying in the store and it exists. Please continue your favors toward use by all means.





Produced by Japan Transportation Service

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